My Background

I started to become interested in divination and geomancy for several reasons, I have believed in God off and on since the age of about 5.

I have always had a strong spiritual and religious feeling towards life. At school (C of E) I had two possible careers in mind, working with computers or become a monk.

The issues I had about being a monk were that in the five or so religions I had studied, their spiritual roots did not coincide with my own feelings on what is called 'God', and once I had studied German, aged 30, and discovered the deficiencies in the English language in the regard of a case / gender for God, I knew that computers was the right choice of career.

However, I still am the monk I always wanted to be, its just in my own 'order'.

I studied Statistics to A-level and this taught me that things don't happen by pure chance too often, strangely as my life is progressing interesting things keep happening which belie the popular myth that God does not exist in our current spiritual world-wide desert that many people on this planet appear to want to exist in. Strange things that I now know are called Synchronistic Events keep occurring far to regularly for probability theory to be correct. I realise this simple argument is not rigorous and is simplistic (like the quote from Douglass Adams about God, belief, logic and smoke), but it is the basis of my belief - I'll let you know when I move on to the next world and find out for myself, I'm affraid I can't answer your questions for you :-)